The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...
There’s still time to participate in our ‘Be Colourfully Kind’ Shavathon campaign. Our Online Fundraising Corporate Challenge runs until the 31st of May 2024 and involves workplaces hosting Shavathon events also creating an online fundraising page on GivenGain to raise additional funds for CANSA…
The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA)’s Shavathon is in its 22nd year and what better way to celebrate than for the fund-raising and awareness campaign to focus on kindness. Be Colourfully Kind is the theme for this year’s Shavathon run by CANSA. It kicks off with all-day events on Saturday 24 February at selected shopping malls only throughout South Africa and continues with individual events held from 26 February to 29 March by workplaces, schools and organisations…
Spectators at this week’s African Karting Cup (AKC), which is taking place at Zwartkops Kart Circuit in Centurion between 15 – 17 February, will not only have the opportunity to see 40 of the finest participants from all over Africa battling it out, but will also be able to lend support to CANSA. CANSA is excited to host a Shavathon at the event with our theme this year – ‘Be Colourfully Kind’. It’s CANSA’s 22nd year of hosting Shavathon events and what better way to celebrate than for the karting community to focus on kindness…
Join Lions Rugby Co and CANSA on 17 Feb 2024 at Emirates Airlink Park, Johannesburg Thank you so much to Lions Rugby Co for taking hands with CANSA to support our care and support programmes. #FightingCancerTogether…
ONLINE FORM to make submitting your story a breeze – Why are you participating in Shavathon this year? What does it mean to you? Who are you paying tribute to? Every day we hear the most amazing stories of encouragement, bravery, hope, tears and humour… – share your past or current participation in Shavathon to celebrate the campaign’s 22nd anniversary, by completing the online form and sharing your special photos…
Watch a video about the work CANSA does with regards to research, advocacy and education aimed at lowering cancer risk and raising awareness of cancer, cancer screening to promote early detection and care and support services for cancer patients, caregivers and loved ones…
Watch this video and be inspired – today, more people are living after a cancer diagnosis than dying from it. Celebrate HOPE loud and clear at Shavathon….