Lee Rallies Support for Shavathon in Honour of her Mother
To those that came out on the weekend, to those that gave donations and also to those that sent love and good thoughts I would like to thank you! This amazing community alone managed to raise R21 600! WE DID IT! YOU ALL DID IT!
Why Shave and Why Now?
“Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss in life is what dies inside whilst still alive. Never surrender.”
I read this quote last year at my mom’s memorial after she passed away, having battled with cancer for two years. This quote has become a kind of mantra for me.
During this journey I decided that I will not let cancer and death make me anxious, but active.
I choose to find happiness and spread love – the love that she gave me.
I choose new beginnings, whilst still remembering the old memories.
For me this is a new beginning, the 1st of March is my New Year’s Eve, my Monday morning, and the fresh start I have been looking for.
I chose to give back, I chose to shave!
Queries Shavathon
For more info on Shavathon visit www.shavathon.org.za or call the Toll Free line on 0800 22 66 22.