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Wadiah Salie, Aneeqah and Freshlyground… – an inspiring day

Wadiah Salie, breast cancer survivor of 3 years, shares her story about the day she met Aneeqah Barends and Freshlyground.


Freshlyground’s Zolani Mahola (vocals) with freshly sprayed hair getting ready for Shavathon 2012 with cancer survivors, Aneeqah Barends and Wadiah Salie.

“Just thought I’d share with you.

I have days when I feel so strong and truly believe that cancer will not conquer me and then other days where I don’t want to get out of bed and all I do is think until I am too exhausted to think anymore.  The uncertainty of cancer makes it difficult to feel in control of your life.

Then there’s Aneeqah whom I met on Monday, the beautiful 15 year old who is currently fighting cancer.

I am a true believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason, Aneeqah brought me her beautiful smile and in her eyes I saw HOPE smiling brightly before me.

I am so inspired by her strength, her courage, her will and her love of life!  She has accomplished so much, she has found her peace with cancer!

Aneeqah has reminded me that I AM strong enough and giving up is never an option and with this my life will be forever changed.

Thank you for the opportunity CANSA, I will be forever grateful.

Love and hugs

Survivorship Chair RFL Athlone and PROUDLY SO!!!!

(Wadiah had a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, 6 months of chemotherapy and 9 months herceptomy.  She also serves on the Relay For Life, Athlone committee as well as Survivorship Portfolio and has a very active survivorship programme leading up to their Relay event planned for 23/24 March 2012.)


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