Wadiah Salie, Aneeqah and Freshlyground… – an inspiring day
Wadiah Salie, breast cancer survivor of 3 years, shares her story about the day she met Aneeqah Barends and Freshlyground.
“Just thought I’d share with you.
I have days when I feel so strong and truly believe that cancer will not conquer me and then other days where I don’t want to get out of bed and all I do is think until I am too exhausted to think anymore. The uncertainty of cancer makes it difficult to feel in control of your life.
Then there’s Aneeqah whom I met on Monday, the beautiful 15 year old who is currently fighting cancer.
I am a true believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason, Aneeqah brought me her beautiful smile and in her eyes I saw HOPE smiling brightly before me.
I am so inspired by her strength, her courage, her will and her love of life! She has accomplished so much, she has found her peace with cancer!
Aneeqah has reminded me that I AM strong enough and giving up is never an option and with this my life will be forever changed.
Thank you for the opportunity CANSA, I will be forever grateful.
Love and hugs
Survivorship Chair RFL Athlone and PROUDLY SO!!!!
(Wadiah had a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, 6 months of chemotherapy and 9 months herceptomy. She also serves on the Relay For Life, Athlone committee as well as Survivorship Portfolio and has a very active survivorship programme leading up to their Relay event planned for 23/24 March 2012.)